
The Deck
There are lots of good deck makers. They are usually made of wood and the biggest difference is size and shape. Shape is mostly just what a you like, but size in skateboards does matter. The reasons are you want a deck that is the right length for the skateboarder and the right width for the skateboarder's feet and what they like to do.
This is a common chart used for helping people to buy the right skateboard length.
Height of Skater
Length of Deck
Under 4 feet tall
29 inches or less
4 feet to 4' 10"
29 to 30 inches long
4'10" to 5'3"
30.5 s to 31.5 inches long
5'3" to 5'8"
31.5 to 32 inches long
5'8" to 6'1"
32 to 32.5 inches long
Over 6'1"
32.5 inches and up

The width of the deck is usually between 7.5 and 8 inches. If you have big feet you want the wider deck.
The other thing to think about is what kind kind skateboarder you are. A vert and transistion skater or spend a lot of time just riding around cruising you will most likely want a wider deck. If you are more into doing tricks then a narrower deck will work better for you.